Thursday, November 24, 2011


I try to remember to be thankful every day but sometimes routine and lack of sleep make me feel a bit frustrated. Today is a time to pause and reflect on all the reasons why I am grateful -and gives me a reason to make a list, and I LOVE making lists :)

- An amazing husband who is loving, kind, and patient, and our son Léo, our ray of sunshine. The best thing that has happened to us. Corny but true.
- Great family, including my in-laws (I really couldn't have wished for better in-laws) as well as a wonderful circle of close friends. I am so grateful for everyone of them for their insights, humor, intelligence, and role in my life.
- Materially, I am grateful for a roof over my head, food on the table every evening, all the amenities I want in my house.
- A job. I might complain about it, but it's a job, and generally a good one for an amazing cause -children's well being- and it has to be said, relatively good money.
- Good health. That is so important.

Overall I do have a pretty amazing life. I do complain. A lot. But I know that I am one lucky woman. I do not take that for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do have an amazing life. And an amazing husband. And an amazing son. AND you are an amazing friend. It's wonderful to sit down and make a list of things we can be grateful for. You have a great list.