Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

My friend Jen, beautiful woman, soul sistah, fellow lol cat speaker and colleague without whom work would be dull, nominated me for a blogger award, which is so nice, considering I don't post that often -but hey, this is a good push to write more often! Thanks, Jen!
Here are the rules:
1- Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
2- Copy the award and paste it on your blog.
3- Link to the person who nominated you for the award.
4- Share 7 interesting things about yourself.
5- Nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers.

7 interesting things about me -well, "interesting" might be quite an overstatement...

1- I love to-do lists. I am so obsessed I even make lists of to-do lists.
2- You can bribe me with sour candies.
3- I can spend hours reading. Actually I do spend hours reading -magazines and books. I protest (Joe calls it nagging, I believe) a lot when Joe watches sports but truly enjoy the opportunity to read while he watches TV.
4- I know how to behave but lose all control during the football (real football, not the one sissies play with helmets and shoulder padding) and rugby world cup. I then become a rather loud French supporter.
5-I wanted to be a movie or documentary producer and studied film for a year at UCLA. I didn't like how fake people were and decided to pursue international relations instead. There went all hopes of having loads of money in my bank account.
6- I do not like anything with chocolate, lemon, or raspberry. Well, Snickers and Twix are the exception.
7- My favorite food is bread and butter. Followed closely by wine/cheese/bread. Actually I'll eat anything with bread.

Now on to my nominations:

1- Nancy, who should definitely blog again -because she's witty and insightful.
2- Sarah, whose blog is simply beautiful and inspiring.
3- Jane, emergency nurse and women's champion. She's one of my role models.
4- Sarah, incredible mother of 3 boys and gifted with amazing creative skills!
5- Heather, blogging about her life with her husband, awesome boy, and crazy dog.
6- Heidi, blogging from the OC, and living the life.
7- Kristi, superb writer and political soulmate.