Wednesday, November 2, 2011


On October 30, 2011 at 11 am Léo was baptized in the catholic faith at St Therese Parish. It was a beautiful celebration -though to be honest I was so focused on what to do and not messing up anything that I didn't fully enjoy or remember it!

I really love baptisms at my church! The music is lively, the priest smiles at those children like you wouldn't believe, and the congregation really gets into applauding each new little member of the community.

Joe always told me that if we had a baby he wanted him/her baptized in the Catholic church -because he was baptized Catholic. That was obviously fine with me. Having this celebration in this particular church also means a lot since I LOVE my church. It's diverse, the priest is from Kenya, it's focused on social justice, and the music is terrific. I want Léo to grow up surrounded by people who care about him, who live the Gospel and care for others, and who are not afraid to open their arms to "the other" -another color, another sexual orientation, another income bracket, etc. I know baptizing children can be controversial. I didn't do it so that he's not a heathen anymore but for the wish to welcome him into a community of faith.

I am so grateful for the Godparents he has. Joe's best friend, Bryan, nominated himself as Godfather even before Léo was born! Joe and he have a beautiful friendship that has lasted since high school. Léo is lucky to have 2 awesome Godmothers who are great friends of mine -and colleagues, which means I get to hang out with them all the time!-, Lisa and Jen. Those two are godly, caring, funny, and will be great examples for Léo. All 3 of them will help raise Léo in the Catholic faith while being more than open to the idea that he might question everything -even his faith (the one he doesn't yet have!).

Léo was very calm throughout the mass and baptism, even when he got dunked 3 times in the pool -aka the hot tub! Actually we fed him after he got dunked and he fell asleep. Good news: our night time routine of bath-feed-sleep works! He must have thought "bath, check; food, check; time to sleep now!"

I am thankful for this celebration, for God's love, for his grace, and for my boy's precious life.

Before the dunk.

After the dunks. I love his naked body!!

Introduction to the community.

Tired after mass.

Parents and godparents. And teething baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a beautiful ceremony and honestly the 'coolest' Catholic church I've ever been too (great music, funny priest, and good message!). We're so glad we were able to witness Leo's baptism!