Monday, November 22, 2010

It's a BOY!

So obviously I was wrong... Baby Trainer is a boy! We went for our big ultrasound today and I saw the baby's goods before the ultrasound technician said anything. But then she said "oh yeah, no doubt, it's a boy all right." Yeah... I thought I saw that. Holy Molly... I was pretty speechless. It felt like I had to reboot my brain because every image I had of this baby was of a baby girl -all the decor for a nursery, clothes, name, etc, were for a girl. I seriously was SURE that it was a girl. I knew I had my gut feelings were usually bad, but I didn't know it was that bad. Oh man, what a (good) shock!

So it's a boy, and we're really excited. Now we go back to the drawing board as far as names and nursery decor are concerned (any idea for decor?).

Here is Baby Boy Trainer at 19 weeks -measuring 20 weeks and a few days:

To end this surprising day, I spent 3 hours in traffic tonight because of the snow. I love the snow -but really don't quite like this traffic. I'll post pictures of the PNW under the snow soon. It's really pretty.

Snow and BOY. What a day!!


Heather said...

Congratulations Joe and Johanna! Boys are the best! I would highly recommend getting a crib that converts to a toddler bed! Too many ideas for room decor. Safari animals are always cute and fun for baby boys :).

Heidi said...

I was SO EXCITED to get your text! I agree - boys are the best!!!

I picked up a couple of things for Baby Boy Trainer that I will try to pop in the mail to you on Monday!

I'm really happy for you guys. We had a similar experience of being told we were having a girl, but I KNEW in my gut it was a boy. Sure enough, she was wrong. However, when they say it's a BOY, they're usually right. Well, saw the goods! :-)

I have so many ideas on nursery decor...Have you checked out HGTV's "Rate my Space" online? They have a section just for nurseries, and I had so much fun looking through it.

And honestly, I HATE (with a passion) Walmart. However, they carried the Graco crib and changing table that we wanted (which every store carries), and it was almost half price of what Babies R'Us was charging. Just a little FYI. If they have anything you like you can order it online and they ship it to the store for free, then you just have to pick it up and you can get the heck outta' there!

Johanna said...

Great ideas! I hate Walmart, too, but I might just use that ship it and pick it up trick!

I realized yesterday that I was so happy to have a boy but that I needed to take a little time to grieve the idea of a baby girl (as in I'm done grieving now!). Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely thrilled it's a boy, but still, I had to let go of Elise/Zoe and say hello to Baby Boy -who doesn't have a name yet!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys! It's so great that this little person has now become even more of a little person because you know HIS gender! You totally had me fooled as I thought it was a girl too, but am super excited to start talking about Baby Boy T. What a great day indeed!!!

Jen said...

It does take some adjustment to change your expectations huh? But still I'm so excited to meet baby boy Trainer, and I'm excited for you guys to begin planning with a BOY in mind! The world needs more good men - consider it a contribution to society. :)