Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

The good: my mini-bump is starting to show!

10 weeks. Normal belly bump.

13 weeks. 1st time I wore maternity jeans. I love the fact that they're bigger at the hips!

16 weeks in the morning (this morning). Looks chubby. Ugh. Superficial, moi? You betcha.

16 weeks in the evening (yesterday night). Can you say "bloating?"

The bad: acne! WTF?

The ugly: um, hair growing everywhere. Seriously, this is ridiculous!

The weird: Braxton Hicks contractions. They started about 2 weeks ago. I thought it was the baby "coming to the surface" but nope, those are just normal contractions. They're weird. And they're regular. I don't feel them during the day because of the way I sit, but at night but I lay down to watch TV/read, I feel them a lot.

So I'm at 16 weeks and a couple of days now. It feels great not to be nauseous or tired. In a future post, I'll rant about politics and will let you know of my latest thoughts about the future in terms of career and where we want to live. Stay tuned :)


Heidi said...

Um, you look AMAZING! What the heck?! Oh, and I feel like you're having a girl. Not that you asked (or care what I think), but you LOOK like you're having a girl! What a cute little bump. If it makes you feel better, go back and look at my bump photos - I was huge all over with arm and back fat everywhere! You look so cute!

I'm also happy you're past the nausea phase and are feeling better!

Jen said...

Cute, cute, cute! I didn't know you had all these great bump pics! I also didn't realize the bump was there - hello! You look fantastic. :)

Heather said...

Cute baby bump Johanna! You are lookin' like one hot preggo mama! I bet Joe feels the same ;). I'm glad you're feeling well, not nauseated or tired!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! You look fantastic! I'm loving the bump. I can't wait to see you in person next week. You're one of those women who is going to look amazing throughout your entire pregnancy.
Acne and hair, huh? It's so funny, for me it was the opposite. Pregnancy was like the ONLY time in my post-puberty life when I actually DIDN'T have any acne (course, it came back, post-baby. booo) and my hair had never been as lush and full (and now i'm back to the mousy limp again).

Fab said...

I love it, love it, love it!!! And you look so cute :)