Thursday, March 21, 2013


I had to go to the dentist's office today. I have to go 2 more times in the next 3 weeks. All because I don't floss enough. That shows me that sometimes being good / healthy is not fun, but the consequences of not being good / healthy are really really annoying.
Examples in my life:
No flossing (+ pregnancy) => 2 crowns + 4 cavities.
No dog training => dogs who can't walk without pulling (and pee on our carpet all the time!)
Eating like crap => 20 pounds I'm not losing any time soon.
(#firstworldproblems. I know)

It's so easy to be lazy -but dealing with the consequences is even more annoying and costly in time and money.

We talk a lot about consequences in the toddler world I live in, and I should learn to apply that to my adult life. Maybe I need a time out!

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