Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We're staying!

On Saturday, Joe and I visited some apartments close to the center of the city. Of course, we fell in love with the last one we visited (on a whim) and spent the past 4 days trying to decide whether we should move there or not. That place is big, modern, luxurious, and right downtown (as in 2 blocks from my beloved B&N). It is also safe (LEED certified) and, well... pretty perfect. Of course it was a tad expensive. So the main decision came down to budget and sensibility -boring. I always worry that one of us is going to lose our job or that we won't be able to make the rent. Mind you, it doesn't look like we're going to be in this situation anytime soon, but... you never know. I don't want to live my life being scared of being poor but I also want to be smart now that we're going to have a baby. Also, we'll be able to save for a downpayment if we want to move back to OC and buy a town home in a couple of years. I just hope this house is safe for the baby, from the walls to the floors to the stairs.

So we're staying at our place, and let's just say it needs work. A LOT of work. In the next few weeks we're going to clean all the walls (I'd rather paint, but Joe thinks it's a hassle and the landlord won't let us paint anyway), scrub the stairs, install curtains (since the landlord doesn't want to insulate the windows), put rugs on the tiles, move the bookshelves from the nursery to the living room, put some art/pictures on the walls, move our bedroom from upstairs to downstairs, and install everything in the nursery -and in between I'll probably think about the other awesome apartment, sigh, cry a little (what, I'm hormonal) , and move on. In short, we're going to make this our home. We've never felt at home since we moved here because we always think we're going to move someplace else -which we have done quite a lot. Now it's time to settle for a couple of years and feel like we're not going anywhere. I'll post pictures of before and after, HGTV-style.


Jen said...

Wow, that's quite the laundry list sister! But you have time, you can do it. And you will feel great knowing your place is clean and cozy. I hope it truly feels like home, for now. ;)

Heidi said...

Hey! I was wondering if you guys made a decision, so I'm happy you posted an update!

Sounds like you have a lot of stuff to do, but I bet those hormonal nesting sensibilities will kick in and you'll have it done in no time!

Can't wait to see the pics!

Unknown said...

Lol, you're nesting for sure! And I agree with Heidi, you'll have it done in a flash. I can't wait to see what the place looks like!