Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 and 2012

2011 in one picture:
In one word: sleep. Or lack thereof.
Seriously. I know. First world problem.
I guess it's not only sleep, but also the lack of control over his sleep schedule -or lack of routine. So I took control any way I could and I have recorded his feedings and naps / night time sleep since he was a baby. That hasn't helped -but I still do it.

Other words:
laughter, smiles, friendships ("it takes a village").

2011 has been a great year. It has been a bit chaotic and at times difficult. It has reset my view of life and what matters -I am less career-focused. It has been wonderful and amazing and I have never smiled or laughed that much because Léo is such a happy boy who loves to discover new things and find 1,001 reasons to laugh out loud.

I hope 2012 will be as beautiful. I am not making resolutions this year but am hoping that:
- I will find a way to be closer to God and trust him more.
- I will lose all my baby weight (I still have 15 pounds to lose. I lost 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks and haven't lost a single pound since then. Uh).
- I will be pregnant again! We're going to start trying sometime this summer. If I am pregnant this year, I will have been pregnant for a few months (or days) EACH YEAR from 2009-2013. That's pretty crazy.
Ok, I thought about that one and this summer might be a bit early. Please refer to word of the year and goal #2: if and when I sleep through the night and lose weight, I'm going to want to enjoy that for a while -not jump into waking up three times per night to pee and gain another 30 pounds. So maybe that's a goal for 2013 -I'm going to have to get into mad negotiations marathons with Joe!
- I will figure out a schedule that allows me to share time between work and home. That might involve finding a new job if the one I currently have doesn't allow me to do just that.
- Joe and I will have enough money saved to put a downpayment on a house (this might happen this year or next). When that happens, we will move back to OC.
- I will find time to be a better friend to those I love the most.

I guess that's plenty of excitement for one single year.

I am hoping that this year will be good and serene. I always fear that life balances out the good and the bad and the last few years have been pretty darn good for me. I need to trust that this is not the case, that God is a God who doesn't allow that kind of score-keeping to happen.

As we enter this new year, I pray for those I know lack food and hope in the world. And I pray for friends who are sick or in any kind of pain -emotional or physical. May this year bring joy, healing, and peace.

Happy New Year, friends!


Jen said...

Wow! 2012 will be another baby-making year huh? Let the whirlwind continue. ;) I am undecided, for the very same reasons you are (want to enjoy sleep and some semblance of my old body for at least a few months before I start all over again)! We really, really need an hour or so to ourselves to catch up. I miss that.

Journey of the domestic life said...

Whoot for baby making....I know it was a bit sad for me to loose my baby weight and begin working on turning another baby out right as I began feeling great about how I looked, though, I suppose the longer we wait between cranking these sleep depriving babies out the harder it will be anyways, right?!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Baby Trainer #2! Yes, there is all that weight gain and lack of sleep, but it's SO worth it (can you tell i'm in love with my newborn?) ;-)
We have so many similar dreams for 2012! Maybe we can try to keep each other accountable & provide mutual support for them. I would be SO sad if you found another workplace though (selfishly).
I wish you the best in 2012! xo