Monday, December 19, 2011

Sign Language

Today I got an update from Baby Center informing me of Léo's stage of development. They had a special Q&A on sign language. I would love for Léo to sign but haven't started teaching him. However, one of the answers in the Q&A stated that all babies sign before they know how to talk, and they do so very early on. I thought about it, and it's true. When he's done with his dinner he pushes his tray -just like he pushes our hand when we try to wipe his nose. Ok, so maybe that's not a "sign" per se. Ooh, got one. When he wants to be held, he raises him arms. And when he wants something, he waves his fingers.

There. My son, the genius.

1 comment:

Journey of the domestic life said...

He is a bright, bright boy afterall!