Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Try This At Home

Isn't it amazing how short babies' arms are and how big their heads are? I mean, do this: put your arms up like Leo and you'll see: adults' arms are waaay longer. I love how disproportionate babies' body parts are!


Jen said...

I never thought about that but it is crazy how BIG their heads are! No wonder it's hard to hold them up. By the way, Leo is getting cuter and cuter. He's got nice chubby cheeks. :)

Heidi said...

That is so true! So funny...I've never thought about that!

It also explains why the birthing process was so...difficult! Ha ha. (Oliver's head was in the 98th percentile). Is that too much information? :-)

I love how huge the soothie looks in his tiny little mouth. I just wanna squeeze him! (Gently).