Monday, October 20, 2014


Ah, I wish I had a great blog post telling you about my 10 tips to ease transition from one child to two, but for that you'll have to go on Pinterest. Let's be honest: it has been a bit chaotic at home lately. Léo is having a difficult time with his new school and Jude's arrival. Latest example: last night and this morning. He came to our bed at about 4:30, right as I was done feeding Jude (and cleaning us up. Little man has major reflux). Léo told me that he wanted his car blanket back -the one I put under Jude's rocker material. I told him that was not possible and he screamed and cried "I don't want Jude to have any of my blankets." Ah yes, it is starting. Then this morning he screamed and cried because he didn't want to go to school. And during the day he screams and cries (really screams -high pitched and loud) about a lot of things: wanting to go to the pumpkin patch NOW, wanting yet another toy, not wanting to eat, etc. It's been rough to be collected and answer like an adult (I have heard myself say "FINE!" like a teenager. Not my finest moment). It's also been tough to find a balance between respecting his feelings and saying no, once and for all, on any given issue. I'm reading Siblings Without Rivalry and hopefully that'll help some. I just think it's been a lot all at once and it's hard for a 3-year old to process. And it's hard also to be in class and understand nothing of what the teacher says. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa on that one.

Hopefully in a few months I'll have that 10 tips blog post. In the meantime... I'm trying to find a balance one day at a time!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh lady, kudos to you for even reading a book on sibling rivalry! I'd put on a movie and pour some wine! Hoping this difficult period is just temporary for Leo! So many changes and adjustments during the past couple of months. I love my mom friends who always remind me, "this isn't going to last forever"! :-) And, unfortunately, I'm sick now, but we WILL get lunch scheduled! Hang in there!! And keep the honest blog posts coming!