Sunday, October 12, 2014

At last an update!

It's been too long. Way too long! An update is in order.

JUDE IS BORN! Well that's an update all right. Our little guy was born 3 weeks and 2 days early on August 29th. He's been a delight since. I am quite in love with him. Léo has had to adjust (whole post coming on that one) but overall we're all doing pretty well. A few things:
- I started feeling strong contractions at 3:30am -they woke me up- and gave birth at 6:10am. Yup, fast. And painful. Oh my word, painful. But fast. Yay!
- He eats every 3 hours (4-5 during the night! That didn't happen with Léo and I'm overjoyed, but I am not controlling anything and am so afraid he's going to start waking up in the middle of the night and stay awake). He's quite a chunky baby now. He went from 19 inches and 6 pounds to 21.5 inches and almost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. I love his baby fat rolls!
- He sleeps the rest of the time. He's just starting to be awake during the day, now at 6 weeks. And he's also starting to resist naps. Awesome.
- He loves his pacifier. He eats super fast (I have a fast flow) so he needs to suck on something. Léo did, too. Pacifier to the rescue! That being said, that thing should have its own circle of hell. It's great when it sticks in his mouth but all hell breaks lose when the thing falls. Oy.
- I love not working. I love my job but I am already really sad that the thought of going back to work in 5 weeks. Jude will only be 2.5 months. Léo was 3.5 months when I went back to work and I thought it was early. Jude will most likely be in daycare for 8-9 hours per day right when he starts being an awesome baby who smiles and cooes. The US and its lack of paid leave... Infuriating.
- Léo did really well the first 2 weeks despite having a brother and starting in a new school all within a few days. But he's having a hard time now. Tantrums galore. That is a bit hard, but understandable. I love my cool a lot, so I apologize a lot. We're all learning here.
- It seems that whenever I start drinking my coffee or eating he wakes up. Uncool, child.
- Speaking of drinking... Wine has returned into my life. Ah, the joy.
- Raising a newborn can be quite lonely. Good thing I am an introvert who loves her books and TV. Still, I wish I could see more people and make new friends (but actually just typing that makes me cringe. I wish I could see my current friends more). Maybe I'll start going to museums during the week. The Baby Bjorn should help (I splurged on the new one that's better for babies' hips).

Léo likes his new school. I love his teacher and am amazed at how fast he learns new French words (he counts to 12 and knows the days of the week). I am so excited about having Jude start in 2 years (already!)

I want to go on 2 date nights before I go back to work. I also want to spend one-on-one time with Léo. I'm planning those events and I'm quite excited.

Finally, I might have another blog or change the name of this one. I need something new that will fit with the phase of life I am in and something that will encourage me to post more. I have a crapload of stuff to say, but I never write. So... blog update / renewal in order soon!

And finally, a few pictures, of course!
Meeting baby Jude.
First time holding his brother.
Ah, proud little man!
Resting with his little brother.

Morning of his first day of class in his new school! That was only 4 days after Jude's birth and he did so well!
First day of school! I was probably as or more nervous than he was.
At one week. Picture courtesy of Incandescent Photos.

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