Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

I have been singing to Léo the "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes" song. He loves it. Maybe I should start singing the "Hand, foot, and mouth" song, because OF COURSE he got that virus from day care. Of. Course. He is just out of a 2-day fever stretch. That was pretty bad. His sleep was hugely disrupted -and you know it's not good to begin with. He was cranky. He was tired. Today he felt better and was in a better mood but he slept for 3.5 hours straight this afternoon. He only has sores on his feet right now. I dread sores in his mouth. There will be nothing we can do to soothe him. AND I'll have to stop kissing him -and that's a problem because I kiss him all the time (you can see it in the video where he walks!). I just hope he feels better soon. He's been sick so much since he started day care in August. I know every kid gets sick at day care and I know it's good for his immunity system. Still... I hope he gets his full health back pronto.


Jen said...

Oh nooo!! Poor Leo! He is seriously such a trooper for maintaining his sunny disposition through all the sickness this year (well I'm sure he has his cranky moments but...). I really hope this passes quickly and that you can still find a way to soothe him. Does he have to stay home from daycare now?

Heidi said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope he makes a recovery quickly and the sores don't get in his mouth. I'm sorry momma. Sick babies are seriously stressful!

Journey of the domestic life said...

Ugh...that sounds so miserable! N's friend just recovered from H,F,M this past week. I feel for you (and little L). Hopefully the sores will stay contained, it'll run its course quickly, and you can get back to being mama kissy face. I think I'd be screwed with the kissing thing too!