Monday, July 2, 2012

What are you willing to give up?

Last week my great friend and colleague Jen and I talked about the book written by our organization’s president. It’s a good read so far –quite well written and challenging. One of the main themes of the first few chapters is how he came to leave his job as the CEO of a luxury company (i.e., a gorgeous house, expensive car, really nice lifestyle) to become the president of a non-profit. He challenges his reader: what are you ready to give up to follow God’s calling for your life (in secular term: what are you willing to give up to follow your passion / what you know is right)? He gives the example of the rich man who asks Jesus what he should do to get into Heaven. Jesus says “Love god with all your heart and with all your soul and love your neighbor as yourself.” And then he says “leave your possessions and follow me.” The man left sad, knowing he wasn’t able to leave his possessions behind.

I realize I am like this man. I am not willing to give up my lifestyle to follow Christ. I don’t feel called to be poor or a missionary –so I don’t feel required to leave all my possessions. That being said, I don’t tithe, I don’t donate to charities and I am certainly not willing to give up my almost daily Starbucks. My excuse? Well, I already work for a non-profit, so that’s sacrifice right there. Riiight. That’s BS 101.

I really feel that I should give up more –donate more of my time and money. Ok, maybe more of my money because I feel quite stretched at it is, time-wise. I feel I should at least stop living life on the surface –never stopping to wonder what God wants from me or what I can do to challenge myself to be better to the world and to my neighbor. I need to be willing to leave some possessions. It's not going to be easy since Joe and I don't see this donation-thing the same way. I see it as a bit of a sacrifice and a way to follow God whereas he's more than agnostic and, if he doesn't mind donating money, doesn't want to make it something sacrificial either. We need to find a common ground -something that will challenge us both and meet us where we're at.


Heidi said...

Well, I haven't read Rich's book yet. But I did just finish, "Kisses from Katie". Not the most in-depth book (not at all development oriented or academic), however, I am in awe of her! I really didn't want to like her - the "do-gooder" that gives up everything. But she's so humble!

I had a slap across the face last week which was just causing me to blog about the same topic...Hmm.

Heidi said...

Ok, you just inspired me to write a blog post too that I've been meaning to write for ages on this topic!

I wish I was there to banter with you & Jen about these things (and drink Starbucks with you too)!