Tuesday, February 22, 2011

That Third Trimester Thing

People, I am a tiiiired woman again! Long gone are the glow and energy of the second trimester. Acne is back, and with it -though unrelated- an irrepressible will to sleep all the time. it doesn't help that I get up once or twice every night to visit that one room and that I have a hard time falling back asleep. Fortunately, I haven't yet been afflicted with the other typical 3rd trimester symptoms (back pain, heartburn, swollen ankles). I still have 8 weeks to go, so I'm expecting the situation to be a bit more complicated by the day.

One excellent thing that comes with the 3rd trimester? The baby is grown, which means he doesn't have room to roam that much, which means I feel him all the time. I love it. I love knowing he's alive (well, yes!) and kicking. I think I will actually go through quite a bit of separation sadness when I give birth as I enjoy every minute he's inside my belly. Oh well, meeting him should make this sadness pass fast.

The next few weeks are busy with visitors (Joe's brother Jon last weekend, a good friend of ours we met in Bordeaux in 2001 this weekend, then Joe's best friend Bryan in mid-March) and labor/breastfeeding/newborn care classes the first 3 weeks of March. I feel that I'm in a weird zone where time flies by and seems to go very slowly at the same time. I'm just trying to enjoy it all while it lasts!


Heather said...

So close to birth day!!! So glad you're enjoying the final weeks, despite the fatigue and acne. So fun that we have so many friends with babies so close in age! Get togethers will be fun in a few years when the kids can run and play together.

Fab said...

I really missed having Fab in my belly so I can relate to that feeling. What a wonderful time for you :)

Tony, Heidi & Oliver said...

Yeah! I'm so excited for you! (How many times can I say that to you and Jen???)! And yay for no backpain or swollen ankles! Maybe you'll make it the entire time without either!

Have fun with your visitors!

Jen said...

I agree, it's a weird zone of time moving fast & slow. It's starting to pick up though, at least it seems that way to me! I'm glad you don't have to deal w/ swelling, heartburn, etc. But yeah, the tiredness is the hardest to combat... there's not much you can do but rest and take care of yourself. :)

Sarah said...

Oh the joys of the third trimester! Hopefully you won't get all of those other symptoms. Try to get as much sleep as you can now because once the baby's born it's all over! And you need to post some belly pics!!!