We got tons of books, lots of generous gift cards from our family, and plenty of cute clothes. This baby boy is already spoiled!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Baby Shower!
We got tons of books, lots of generous gift cards from our family, and plenty of cute clothes. This baby boy is already spoiled!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Here is a picture of us after dinner:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Message to my Hormones
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday's Random Thoughts
- Joe and I can't agree on a name for our little one. We agree on our top 5 names, but not on THE name. It's okay, we still have time.

Thanksgiving Weekend
Monday, November 22, 2010
It's a BOY!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Grad School
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.
The bad: acne! WTF?
The ugly: um, hair growing everywhere. Seriously, this is ridiculous!
The weird: Braxton Hicks contractions. They started about 2 weeks ago. I thought it was the baby "coming to the surface" but nope, those are just normal contractions. They're weird. And they're regular. I don't feel them during the day because of the way I sit, but at night but I lay down to watch TV/read, I feel them a lot.
So I'm at 16 weeks and a couple of days now. It feels great not to be nauseous or tired. In a future post, I'll rant about politics and will let you know of my latest thoughts about the future in terms of career and where we want to live. Stay tuned :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Parental Rights
Friday, October 15, 2010
I Got a Feeling...
I have about 15 names for girls and hmmm, 3 for boys. I'm going to have to massively brainstorm if we have a boy!
Are you now stuck with the Black Eyed Peas song in mind? You're welcome!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ubuntu Turned Inward
I find myself pretty torn these days. I am still interested in what is happening in the world, of course, and really want to be part of the solution. Right now however, my whole focus is on the little one growing inside my belly and I find it very difficult to be energized about anything else. I read books about motherhood in the US (those are depressing), read pregnancy magazines, and don't relate to anything else. Part of it is because it is difficult for me to imagine my life in the next few years apart from motherhood (job, studies, life in general), and part of it is simply because of what is happening to my body. I hope to be bored with pregnancy-related topics soon and regain interest in the world!
As of now, the Ubuntu philosophy ("I am because you are") rings true of this inward phase: all that I do is for another person whom I must nurture. It's a new experience for sure, one that i am enjoying immensely, but also one that makes me self-centered and a little boring. Please give me some grace in the next few months as this blog will probably be about the baby and me. Soon enough, I'll talk about other subjects.
On a somewhat related note, I noticed in the past that a lot of very pregnant women always touch and rub their tummies. I thought that was weird, but now I do it all the time -and I'm not even showing yet!
Friday, October 8, 2010
A New Life
HOLY CRAP! You’re lucky I’m polite.
Joe and I were just thinking that this life without kid was awesome, that we could wait a few more long months to try to conceive as he would start school in the fall and I wanted to spend a month somewhere in the field. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Guess who had other plans? MY BODY! So here we were, a few weeks later, expecting a baby.
I was quite ambivalent for the first couple of weeks. Once the shock had passed –no more wine, no more suchi, no more brie, no more spending a whole month in the field, thoughts of labor and stretch marks and no sleep, waaah- I felt elated about the sesame seed growing inside me. Weird how you go from reasoning to falling for someone you haven’t met yet but who suddenly means the world to you and whom you would do anything to protect.
And then the sesame seed started acting up. Nausea, exhaustion, more nausea. I mean, it was not that bad, but I’m a huge wuss, so feeling a little nauseous is really uncomfortable (what? Wait ‘til labor? Hahaha. Shut up). In the morning I didn’t have anything in my stomach and felt like throwing up, but then any kind of food disgusted me and I couldn’t eat anything, which upset my stomach even more. And then there were the headaches and the bloating. Aaah, Heaven. I wrote it all down so that one day I can prove to that screaming teenager that I suffered injustly, too, now go to your room and do your homework. Oh, the good thing is that I was so disgusted by food that I was not craving brie or wine or sushi. I seriously thought that I would not really handle the no drinking game very well, but it has been really easy. Well, my appetite is coming back now, and with it the sweet craving for wine. Oh well.
And of course, there is nothing like the prospect of gaining 30+ pounds to make you realize that, um, these past 8 months not working out are certainly not doing you any favors. So I started eating right and will start working out. Next week, my friend Jen and I (she’s also pregnant and due a month before me) will start yoga.
So that’s it. We’re super excited. I can’t wait to start feeling him/her move inside my belly. I can’t wait to see my belly grow. I can wait to see my butt grow, though. I can’t wait to start teaching him/her French cuss words. I kid, I kid. Kinda.
Here is the baby, at 12 weeks and 5 days (this morning). S/he is due mid-April. Let the countdown begin!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
School Is Starting!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
La Routine
It's the end of August already. This is craziness.
I will try to be more interesting in my next post!
Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
And Breathe!
Anyway, today could be a good day for progress toward more equality and justice. I'll leave it at that!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Boot Camp Experiment: Bust!
So all that to say I am almost officially done with boot camp. I'll just play tennis now. I can play in the evenings and actually enjoy it. Except when I'm cranky and want to smash my racket on the ground. But that doesn't happen too often...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Mr Mandela!

Yesterday was Nelson Mandela's birthday. He turned 92. He and Desmond Tutu are probably my 2 favorite people on earth -the Dalai Lama is right up there as well. He is the image of peace, compassion, smart politics, and reunification.
I pray he doesn't leave this world too soon. The world needs him a little more.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I Miss France
I do well here in the US. I like the country (most of the time!) and love my life. But sometimes -like today because I know it's July 14th and people celebrated- I miss French people, however frustrating they can be, and French culture, especially books and movies. I just miss feeling I'm at home. Actually when I am in France I feel at home and I also feel like a stranger because I have missed so much, in terms of music and TV and daily references. But being in France is... I don't know. It just feels natural and easy. I am so fortunate to have an awesome French colleague with whom I work closely. We laugh together like no other and have the same cultural references. That helps.
So right now I wish I could be home, with my family. I wish I could tease and hug my brother. I wish I could walk in the streets of Paris, take the metro, see my friends, speak French, and enjoy Bastille Day with the rest of my country.
This past Monday, I realized that, yeah... I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to working out! Kelly says "10 more seconds" and my brain goes "all done!" She says "20 push ups" and my brain thinks "riiight, try 10." And as soon as it starts hurting (push up #3. Did I mention I do half push ups?) my body is all "DOOD, ouch. Stop. Now." And for some reason I listen to my brain and body. I wish I were one of those people pushing through the pain, but nope. I STOP. Seriously, when I was 11 I got a note from my doctor saying I had asthma because I didn't want to run during gym class. Yeah, that's my level of commitment to anything cardio/gym/pain-related. Imagine me giving birth. "Oooh, yeah, ok, that was fun, but I'm not going to go through with that. Pushing? Nuh-uh, I don't think so. I'll just stop and see what happens."
So the challenge to myself for the next boot camp is to go to the end of 2 exercises -plank, running around the block, anything! Just push through the pain and build up some resistance and strength.
On a totally unrelated note, Happy Bastille Day!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Boot Camp - Week 1
The woman leading the boot camp, Kelly, was super nice and encouraging. All the girls there are also really nice. I was afraid there would be some competition, but nope. Oh, the best part: they give you free Vitamin water and I also got a free yoga mat. Score!
Thanks to the heat here I haven't eaten too much and have lost a couple of pounds. I was afraid I would eat like a pig because "hey, I burnt many calories this morning" but that hasn't happened. Not yet anyway.
Next session: Monday. And oddly enough, I can't wait!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
This moving experiment has taught me a few things. The main thing is this: I do not like change when it comes to the place I live. I can handle and welcome any other changes in my life, but where I spend my down time is not something to be taken lightly. I have been thinking about our former apartment building a little too much in the past few days and I do miss it. Yes, the apartment was small and probably over-priced. Still, we had all the amenities we wanted and the comfort of being taken care of by the building people. I had created a routine for myself when I worked from home. I didn't work from home because the dogs are too demanding but I worked from the community room (and I could watch the soccer games from the TV there). Now I have to create a new routine, and, as I said... I do not quite like it. As much as I want to believe that I'd be fine in any environment, I am not. As a child I could never sleep at a friend's house because I needed my bed. Yeah... that should have told me something! Even now, I can only stand to sleep at someone else's place when it's only for a day or two. After that I mentally freak out and want to go home.
This inability to adapt to change in my living conditions is what made me really dislike my time in Bukavu. And that makes me think that maybe I should revise my career and work with kids locally. Because as much as I would like to be seconded somewhere (and I now have to really seriously think about one opportunity with work), I now know I might be miserable and only count the days until I am home again.
Now I am counting the days until Joe comes home and we make this place our home. Hopefully this will happen soon. I don't like not feeling at home in my own home.
Evening update: well, today was a good day actually! It started by a bootcamp session at 6 (more on that later), then the dog park, then work. I actually felt good in the house. I talked a bit more to my downstairs neighbor, Megan. She's the nicest person! She and her husband are from Dallas and will stay in Seattle for a year. They miss their community and want to make friends. I hope we'll hang out often. So right there, in my house, are great potential friends. It's all going to be all right. This feels good.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I am bored.
Note: I do realize that I am spoiled and that the minute I give birth I will remember this blog post fondly.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Boot Camp!
I'm so excited!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Husband Rocks

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June Update In Pictures

The World Cup started on June 11. Needless to say, I am a little bit over the top excited!

At the end of the month Joe and I are moving into a new place. Obviously not this house (but posting a picture of a random house seemed a bit awkward). We are staying in Seattle but we're moving to another area, further from the city center but more spacious. We have space for you, out-of-towners. I will post pictures when we're there.

I went to OC last weekend to prepare and attend the shower of one of my besties, Lynn. I can't wait to see her son, Peyton, and to see her as a mom. She's going to rock.
So that's pretty much it for now! June should be filled with work, tennis, longer days, rain (aaaaah, Seattle...), moving out, moving in, and time with friends.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Babies (The Documentary)

Friday, May 28, 2010
Book Quotes
"Women do different things when they're depressed. Some smoke, others drink, some call their therapists. [...] And I do what I have always done -go off on a book bender that can last for days."
I often read books in my baths, so this quote hit the mark: "Within my bathroom walls is a self-contained field of dreams and I am in total control, the master of my own elegantly devised universe. The outside world disappears and here, there is only peace and a profound sense of well being."
Oh, and that one is just spot on as well: "I collect new books the way my girlfriends buy designers handbags. Sometimes, I just like to know I have them and actually reading them is beside the point. Not that I don't eventually read them one by one. I do. But the mere act of buying them makes me happy -the world is more promising, more fulfilling. It's hard to explain, but I feel, somehow, more optimistic. The whole act just cheers me up."
I can't wait to read the rest of this book, called Literacy and Longing in L.A. It's a chick lit but it sounds like a very good one already!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Our Routine Lately
Joe has received an interview notification, which will be the final step in his Foster application. If he's accepted into the evening MBA degree, we will be in Seattle for 3 years. That means we can really settle in and relax. Our next 3 years are taken care of! Joe is da man. I am so proud of him for getting this interview. Please pray/think positive thoughts about his acceptance in the program.
That's it. Life is good overall!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mid-Year Resolution
Yesterday I spent some time at the
So I reflected.
It’s time I put my money and energy into what is the most important to me at this time. If you looked at my budget, you’d think my focus is on eating out. You’d be right. I love eating out. But it’s not healthy and it’s expensive. It is clear to me –and was really clear yesterday as I sat down in the garden- that I need to be healthier, both physically and emotionally. That means I have to calm down instead of always thinking and fretting about the future –where to live next, what job to apply to next, what school to go to next. That also means I need to get out more, work out again, and above all stop harming my body with gross food and alcohol. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to become a vegan or that I won’t drink wine anymore. It just means I need to do things moderately.
I also need to be a happier person. I need to stop my lazy routine and really start doing things that are good for my soul. That means I’m going to keep on going to church, go to museums, go on hikes, get outside, and do something creative.
I need to broaden my horizon a bit, add colors to my life, and be good to my body.
It’s like New Year resolutions, except I need to really keep these ones if I want to be a healthy and happy person.
I will go back to the
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Guess Who's Back!
I am just back from a 2-week work trip in DC. I forgot my camera –though I usually forget to take pictures, even when I have it with me. The trip was good. During the weekend, I went to
Speaking of Prius, Joe and I bought a new car -a Toyota Camry hybrid. I love it. We still have the 4 Runner, which we now call the Dogmobile, to go to the dog park.
The 2 weeks spent at work in DC were interesting. I realized that our office in DC is where the action happens and where everyone networks with everyone. I tried to meet as many persons of interest as I could. I am really bad at networking -I have no social skills- but I tried it anyway. We’ll see what the future holds. Well, the distant future, since I am very happy on my team and in my job for now.
No more trips for me until the summer. Then I should go to Eastern Europe or the
You know you’re welcome in the world of business travelers when… you are so busy you forget to buy a card for your husband for your 5th anniversary. Oops. So yeah, it’s been 5 years. FIVE years. That means we’ve been together for eight years. Oh my. I feel old. I also feel lucky to have spent these years with him. We have quite a good life together. I was describing our life to a colleague and realized that we spend a lot of time together. We do the budget together, we cook together, we go grocery shopping together, and we watch UFC together (whaaa?). Oh, don’t get me wrong, we also fight together (though I have been known to give the silent treatment once too many). We’re just good. Together.
Insert yawn.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Joy of Traveling
There are a few elements common to all trips, though. One is that I am always afraid of sounding condescending when I talk to my colleagues -because I come from the US, which is the organization's biggest financial donor, which means that we are both respected and highly critized. Being from the US means that I represent both my organization's point of view, whether I like it or now, and the country's political position in the world, which is better now thanks to people's good opnion of Obama. Also, I don't want to be perceived as a white person who doesn't know anything about development's best practices -which is difficult since I feel I really do not know what I'm talking about most of the time! All of that means that I always try to find a balance when I travel between what I represent, what I can say, and the way I handle myself and approach people. It is always interesting to see yourself through other culture's eyes. I remember that in the DRC people couldn't believe the way white people treat their dogs. They kept asking me: "do you really buy special dog food? Do your dogs really sleep inside your house?" I could see in their eyes that they thought white people -wazungu- were crazy -and who could blame them?
The best parts of business trips for me are early morning/late evening alone time and car rides -the best thing would be to walk, but we mostly ride cars during these trips. The first gives me time to think, reflect, pray, and write. Business trips are draining, and it's good to go back to the hotel and just relax for a couple of hours before bed time. I come to a lot of aha moments when I travel and have time to be silent and think without interruption. I ofeten miss that when I come back home and get by into the rush of life without blinking. The second allows me to discover the culture of a country through landscapes and stolen moments. I love these little flashes of life -children playing, people chatting on the side of the road, women walking together. In the first week in the Philippines, we rode 8 hours in one day and I enjoyed every minute of it.
This trip was interesting. I met a lot of people, networked a lot, learnt a lot about myself (as cliche as it sounds) and about development. I also had time to appreciate new cultures, new food, and witness how people live their daily lives. I really love traveling -and love traveling to Asia in particular. Next up: DC for 2 weeks starting on Monday. I will be back right on time for Joe and my fifth annoversary. 5 years already. How time flies!
Cebu, Philippines.
Jakarta from hotel room.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Beautiful Blogger Award

Friday, February 19, 2010
Leaving On a Jet Plane
Fortunately, I am taking a break from the office starting next Saturday -though I won't be on vacation. I will be traveling for 3 weeks to the Philippines and Indonesia. I am so excited about this trip! I am looking forward to meeting new people and seeing the great work my organization is doing on the ground. I hope to post a few (hopefully) interesting posts from there.
Monday, February 8, 2010
That Was One Good Sunday
Sunday was glorious!
#1- I went to a church which might become my home church: Ste Therese. The choir was lively and the people were of all ages and ethnicities. The sermon was good and given by an African priest. Most of all, I felt good in this crowd. I felt among "my people." I love the Catholic rites, and the fact that the masses are the same everywhere. I like shaking people's hands and wish them the Peace of Christ. I like taking communion.
I really tried to go to a church other than Catholic but I never felt like this was the right place for me. Don't get me wrong: I pretty much disagree with everything the Catholic church stands for but I am Catholic. That's part of who I am. Being Catholic is as true to me as being French. I might not like my government (I really do not like my government) but I am still French. If you want change, sometimes you have to be the change from within. So I have decided to go back to the fold and go to church in a liberal (the Catholic version of liberal!) Catholic church. I found it, I think.
Next Sunday I am going to another church, St Joseph, on Capitol Hill, and then I'll choose between the two.
#2- Joe and I went shopping! That was long overdue. I don't have enough clothes. When I say this, I mean that I have enough clothes compared to most people on the planet, but I don't have enough clothes for work. So I went to Express and bought a new pair of pants and a pair of jeans. The jeans were on sales and I got them for (special wink to Heidi)... $12. That's right, twelve dollahs. I was pretty happy about that! Then we went to Macy's to buy a pair of shoes with heels -because one day I would like to dress like a laydee!- and found one pair for $15 (regular price $70). I was one stocked woman!
Today I am wearing my usual grey pants/ greay sweater / NGO shoes. The usual. But I know that I have different clothes in my closet and that makes me happy.
#3- The Saints won! For once in my life I was interested in football. NOLA deserved to win and the Saints represent the heart of their city. It was good to witness this victory.
Pretty good Sunday, I'd say.
Now it's Monday and I have a hard time waking up, even with a double shot latte.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Oscar Season

Friday, January 22, 2010
Vlad The Man!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The end of 2009 was a bit of a rollercoaster. I learnt I was pregnant but miscarried a couple of weeks after. Since then I have felt a bit depressed, a bit empty, but also positive that 2010 will be a good year and that I have to embody the Ubuntu philosophy. So 2010 will be a year of being good to myself, to others, and to the planet, which turned into 3 resolutions
- Be good to myself: cook healthy meals and work out (I have started working out at work during lunch time and we follow the "Insanity" workout, which is... insane!).
- Be good to others: become an advocate on behalf of a cause.
- Be good to the planet: buy organic food as much as possible and recyle (yes, I know... who doesn't recycle these days? Well, until recently, moi!).
I will try to keep updating this blog often, but I don't want this to become a burden. Still, keep checking in.
Of course, I have to mention Haiti. Please consider donating to an organization of your choice. Joe and I donated to the organization I work for, but there are a lot of good organizations out there that are doing a lot in Haiti -and have been there before the earthquake hit. The people of Haiti need your help.