I am just back from a 2-week work trip in DC. I forgot my camera –though I usually forget to take pictures, even when I have it with me. The trip was good. During the weekend, I went to
Speaking of Prius, Joe and I bought a new car -a Toyota Camry hybrid. I love it. We still have the 4 Runner, which we now call the Dogmobile, to go to the dog park.
The 2 weeks spent at work in DC were interesting. I realized that our office in DC is where the action happens and where everyone networks with everyone. I tried to meet as many persons of interest as I could. I am really bad at networking -I have no social skills- but I tried it anyway. We’ll see what the future holds. Well, the distant future, since I am very happy on my team and in my job for now.
No more trips for me until the summer. Then I should go to Eastern Europe or the
You know you’re welcome in the world of business travelers when… you are so busy you forget to buy a card for your husband for your 5th anniversary. Oops. So yeah, it’s been 5 years. FIVE years. That means we’ve been together for eight years. Oh my. I feel old. I also feel lucky to have spent these years with him. We have quite a good life together. I was describing our life to a colleague and realized that we spend a lot of time together. We do the budget together, we cook together, we go grocery shopping together, and we watch UFC together (whaaa?). Oh, don’t get me wrong, we also fight together (though I have been known to give the silent treatment once too many). We’re just good. Together.
Insert yawn.
Hurray! Congrats on FIVE YEARS!!! Your wedding seems like yesterday. And you're such a lil baby. You're not old. Joe is old.
Woohoo! Happy 5th Anniversary!
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