Thursday, June 24, 2010

Boot Camp!

No more excuses! After years of complaining about my weight, various attempts at working out on my own, and long summers wearing only pants, I have decided to finally do something concrete that will make me work out: I signed up for boot camp. This awesome program has a promotion I just couldn't resist: $60 for a whole month of boot camp. So I signed up and am going to go twice a week in the mornings. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm so excited!


Heather said...

Good luck Johanna! You can do it! Boot camp sounds like a perfect jump start to a routine :).

Heidi said...

You go girl! I wish I was brave enough for bootcamp! My neighbor goes several mornings a week - at 5:15am!! Yikes! BTW, you looked wonderful when I saw you at Christmas...Are you being too harsh on yourself?

Fab said...

You are awesome for doing something that sounds so scary!! But I agree with your other might be too hard on yourself. You look great! I can also understand not being very happy about jiggly parts..hmm, I don't like jiggly parts. You go girl!

Jen said...

You are brave! Good for you for signing yourself up, and announcing it. That is half the battle! We'll be cheering you on. :)

Sarah said...

Good luck! Let us know how it's going!