The World Cup started on June 11. Needless to say, I am a little bit over the top excited!

At the end of the month Joe and I are moving into a new place. Obviously not this house (but posting a picture of a random house seemed a bit awkward). We are staying in Seattle but we're moving to another area, further from the city center but more spacious. We have space for you, out-of-towners. I will post pictures when we're there.

I went to OC last weekend to prepare and attend the shower of one of my besties, Lynn. I can't wait to see her son, Peyton, and to see her as a mom. She's going to rock.
So that's pretty much it for now! June should be filled with work, tennis, longer days, rain (aaaaah, Seattle...), moving out, moving in, and time with friends.

1 comment:
What a busy month! Sorry about France...kind of ;)
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