Saturday, April 21, 2012


Tonight I went to a fundraiser for someone at my church. The man has been a parishioner for years and most people attending the party have known him for decades. How nice it must be to have roots somewhere, to have friends who have been around for most of your life. Joe and I are thinking about moving away from Seattle and while he's really excited about it, I can't help but think that I finally have a community, a (mostly) good job and really wonderful friends. I am not sure I want to move again.

This morning I went to the French immersion school in Bellevue to vote for my next president (1st turn). After I was done -it only took about 10 minutes- I sat in my car and cried. I miss France. So much.

I have roots. Here in Seattle, in France, in Orange County a bit (my baby certainly has 50% of his roots there!). I don't feel however that I have deep roots anywhere. I just want to get to know people. Really know them. Grow with them, learn alongside them. And that doesn't happen by packing and moving every 5 years or so.

I wish I were someone who could feel at home anywhere. Someone from my team said we should "bloom where we're planted." I should definitely remember to do just that.


Jen said...

Oh friend, it must be hard to feel that way, with your friends and family spread out amongst 3 different places. You do have roots, just multiple, spread out roots. :) And since you are most likely staying for a while longer (YES!) you can plant those roots even deeper. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I hear you. It's not easy living so far away from family and various friends. 5 years is the longest we've lived anywhere as well & sometimes it's hard to resist the 'moving itch'! But the best thing about having family and friends spread all over the place is that you've always got loved ones to visit (and will visit you). I'm glad your roots are growing deeper where you are now. You are certainly blooming where you are planted. :-)