Thursday, April 5, 2012


Léo is doing great at day care. Everybody loves him, which makes me really happy. He doesn't have a rhythm there yet because staff is still trying to figure out whether they should take their daily walk before or after lunch (I hope after because before lunch is always during nap time and it messes up his day) and because staff don't know Léo that well yet. He has only taken one morning nap this whole week. Needless to say, it's a little stressful for me (he's doing fine!) because I don't want him to switch to one nap per day yet. Other than than, I'm relishing the fact that he has daily walks outside (to the library! to the market!) and that 2 of the staff are male -full of both energy and cuddles. Oh, and the ratio of staff to children is awesome. Usually it's 3 staff to 4-5 kids. Awesome-sauce!

I have also had to adjust a bit. The other day care had a very family-oriented feeling. I could ask questions about child rearing. I pretty much let them feed Léo whatever they wanted. I trusted them completely with taking care of him. Right now I would be asking them advice about going from formula to milk. I feel this new day care is a little colder, maybe more "professional" in a way. I miss Léo's old providers -though I don't miss commute one bit! I really appreciate his providers now but you can tell some of them don't have hands-on experience with full time daycare. One staff asked "how old is he again? Not even one. Oh I thought he was 18 months old." Um, really? But I like this place. Everybody is nice. We're just pretty much all adjusting!

Léo is happy, which is the most important.

We're having a 3-day weekend since both Joe and I took Monday off for his BIRTHDAY!
His birthday!! You know another post is coming :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leo is missed at CK (I know LA misses him), but it's great he's so much closer to home now. And I'm sure that some of the *kinks* will be worked out at the new daycare as they get to know Leo and you guys!