That's the time remaining before I go back to work. On one hand I am more than very excited to be with my friends again (friends, be ready, you won't get much done that week if you let me speak for too long. Don't hesitate to tell me to shut it!). On the other hand, returning to work itself is not really fun. I like my job, but I am not looking forward to some aspects of it. Also, I am not looking forward to not being with Léo all the time. Sometimes I would like to be alone, but NOT to go back to work -more like to go to Barnes, Target, get a haircut, take a nap. This is only a phase. Joe and I have decided that I will probably stop working when we have baby #2, which should coincide with the time we move back to Orange County if Joe is still in school by then (decision in the air for now). There's a time for everything, right? Now is the time to go back to work. I'll write a post about work/career/life balance soon.
I hope I will get some rest before that. I have been so tired lately. This morning, Joe woke up in a great mood because he slept 10 hours last night. That immediately put me in a bad mood because I haven't slept more than 4 hours in a row since Léo was born. It's okay. This, too, shall pass. Now is the time to be tired.
We're going to Orange County this weekend. I am SO excited about seeing friends, basking in the sunshine, and having family who will want to care for Léo. I am not excited about the airport experience and having to be on a plane. I am going to have to be cheerful so that Léo doesn't think his mom has become a frightened mess for a few hours. Oy. Please pray that everything goes well.
Going back to work after all that wonderful time with your newborn was the toughest moment for me as a parent, so I totally understand. That said, know you have a lot of love and support for you when you DO come back, and honestly, it'll be tougher on you than it will be on Leo. He's going to be FINE!
Oy, the lack of sleep is rough. It will come in time. I'm so glad that you'll be sitting right next to me when we do go back! I've been wondering about when you would move back to OC. I keep feeling like you'll move sooner (if Joe decides one way about school) even though I selfishly don't want you to move. Hope the trip was good!
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