(My brother took this pic this afternoon)
Léo turned 3 months old today. I remember when he was spitting up and crying tons at 2 weeks old and the nurse at the pediatrician's office said "it should pass by the time he's 3 months old." That seems like forever and a day to me and I seriously wanted to drop kick her. But it did go by fast... in retrospect! My little boy is growing and I love spending time with him.
A few things about him:
- His eyes are still blue!
- He smiles a lot and has even started to laugh today. It's the cutest thing in the world. I have a video of him laughing and I have watched it 10 times tonight (he's sleeping so I can't make him laugh)!
- He rolls over from tummy to back. He doesn't do it quite intentionally, but he has done it consistently when we do tummy time.
- He always finds a way to get his hands out from the swaddle sack at night or during naps, then wakes himself up because he still has a moro reflex. I don't quite know how to prevent that!
- He loves blowing bubbles.
- He is very attentive and quiet at times. When he wants someone's attention, he'll just smile at the person and turn his head shyly (think Lady Diana).
- He sleeps a lot. Like 16-18 hours per day. He falls asleep after being up for about 60-90 minutes. He's predictable that way.
- He just discovered that he can suck on his hands. He does that quite a lot -and drools tons in the process.
- He freezes when he sees a camera. We have to be sneaky to take a picture of him smiling or a video of him laughing.
- He's addicted to his pacifier.
- He sleeps better at night but still wakes up once or twice to eat. And he wakes up a lot when his pacifier falls from his mouth!
It's so amazing to see his brain work and see him develop day by day. He's super mellow and easy going. He seems to definitely be an introvert for now (he needs moments of calm more than he needs interaction) and I am learning to respect this by not overstimulating him. He loves to cuddle and chill. I love him so much and can't wait to see what the next weeks and months bring.
1 comment:
Happy 3 months Sweet Boy! I can't believe he's 3 months already. This is such a fun age (they all are, actually). Enjoy your time with Sweet Blue Eyes!
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