Thursday, July 11, 2013

Change is coming!

It's 5:40am. I have been up since 2. I have a Skype meeting at 6, so I'm not going back to bed. Needless to say, I'm exhausted.

It's not a secret: Léo has never been a good sleeper. Take that back. He was a great sleeper until he turned 5 months old and learnt to roll over. After that he became a crappy sleeper and I became quite the enabler. I was never consistent when I did sleep training and now he's 2 and has never slept through the night for more than 3 weeks at a time.

It's been worse lately. He has climbed out of his crib -and now gets out of bed- to come into our bed every night for 2 months. Our trip to Europe, then our move here haven't helped much. He's usually good with changes but I think the last few months have been hard on him -going to daycare has meant daily tears and even though he's still in a good mood all the time I know he's been struggling with all the changes. That has meant that he's been up again for hours on end during the night. Tonight -this morning- he was so exhausted he started crying and screaming uncontrollably. He asks to be rocked, he asks for apple juice, he asks to be in his bed, then in ours... It's frustrating to say the least.

Things will change when I come back from my upcoming trip (queue in mommy guilt). I'll give it a week and then I'll make major changes that will hopefully right the bad habits I've let slide, from his eating to his drinking to his sleeping habits (drinking habits as in too much apple juice!). It'll be hard. I don't know how to say no and how to set boundaries -obviously. But we all need this to happen. We all need to be healthier and we all need to sleep better.

I hope he'll do well with Joe and his family next week. We will both be out of town for 3 nights during that time so he'll have sleep overs at his grandma's and maybe his aunt's.

In the meantime... Coffee, anyone?


Heidi said...

Yes please! I survive on coffee!

I appreciate your honesty. I hope things turn around with his sleep schedule as soon as you return!

I'm excited to see you guys Sunday!

Anonymous said...

You can do it! You can do it!
I wish I could give you the magic formula, but we still struggle with S and his sleeping habits. There isn't a quick fix in my opinion. And what we've learned is that what worked for one child (our Child #1 being the perfect sleeper) doesn't always work for the second (our Child #2 being a *reluctant* sleeper). I wish you all the best because, YES, you deserve full nights of sleep!

Jen said...

Oh man friend. I will remember to pray for you guys this week. I know how hard it is to say no and set boundaries, especially when you're all so tired and when you feel guilty for all the change. You are such a good mama. I know you can do it.