One day last week Leo was running everywhere, not listening, and whining 80% (at Target he threw a tantrum because he wanted a toy, then he ran everywhere in the outdoor mall we were at, etc). So in the evening on the way to the park, when he ran from me on the sidewalk after I told him to stop, I just ran to him, grabbed him, slapped his hand, and said a firm and loud "DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM ME WHEN I TELL YOU TO STOP!" He started crying of course and he said "Mama ow Leo." Ah great... I do not believe hitting for any reason is a good way to raise a child -or discipline them. I don't think a slap on the hand is hitting per se but I felt pretty crappy after that anyway.
Oy. I love him to bits. I could kiss his cute face all day. But when he doesn't listen... and he doesn't listen a lot these days, I just don't know what to do and I lose patience.
I am definitely working on being more patient. Work in progress.
Oh I'm sorry friend. I'm working on being patient too. I think it's something God will be working on me until I'm 87. I'm pretty sure.
I went through a phase of slapping Oliver's hand too. I think over the same issue. Why the he** doesn't he STOP when I say STOP?! Anyway, it was short lived, because a few weeks later when he'd get frustrated, he'd try hitting. Ugh.
This mothering gig is hard work. I have no advice, but I would like to get together and drink wine with you and commiserate soon.
Oy is right. It is so frustrating when they don't listen and you feel like you have no control! Plus you just want to protect them and when they take off it can be scary. Hang in there sister. Wish I could drink wine w/ you and Heidi. This is just the beginning of a long ride of parenthood... :)
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