Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We're back... for a little bit!

We're just back from a weekend in Orange County. It was so nice to hang out with family and enjoy the sunshine! Léo really loves Joe's family. They're the sweetest to him and he soaks up all the cuddles he can get from them. Of course that's making me think about moving back there -but that's a post for another time as I feel quite conflicted about this choice.

We're back for our regular routine for 2 weeks and then we're leaving again, this time for our most anticipated vacation in Turks. It's only going to be 3 nights but it should be really awesome. They have activities for kids Léo's age and their main theme is Sesame Street, which Léo loves. Well, he loves the music -which we have to play again and again and again.

I don't have much to say these days! Life is good. I need to get on a diet because, well, I weight almost as much as I did before Léo's birth -no, no, not pregnancy, his BIRTH! I just don't have any motivation to lose weight. I mean, I do berate myself about 104 times per day about being fat and disgusting... all the while eating a Twix, drinking gin & tonic, and doing nothing but watch TV at night. Ah yes... Laziness hath no bounds!


Heidi said...

What is this about being fat and disgusting! Stop the insanity! I just saw you Friday and you looked lovely!

I wanna see the pics of Turks. I sooooo want to go there! Have a fab time!

Anonymous said...

I HAD to comment...you are NOT fat OR disgusting. What the H@!!? Let's walk to the lake on Mondays and Tuesdays. We could both use a breather, and it would be nice to get our hearts pumping for a few minutes before sitting on our @$$es for the rest of the afternoon.


Johanna said...

Ok, let me rephrase. I feel fat because I'm 20 pounds over what I normally am ("normally" being before pregnancy). The disgusting part is all the flab, cellulite, and overall lack of muscles hidden under my clothes. I don't feel disgusting. I don't look that yummy either right now!!
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words, friends.

Jen said...

Ugh, that is not a fun place to be, to feel that way. I THIRD the comments, for the record, that you are in NO way, fat, and you are in fact gorgeous! But I do know it's hard to get motivated, even though it feels good to exercise. I wish we lived closer and could do some stroller walking with our boys.

Turks sounds so wonderful. I'm so excited for you guys!