Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Plans

Life is good! Léo is sleeping well -not for the past couple of nights because of teething but hopefully it'll get better after his teeth get out-, my job is amazing, Joe's job is well, my friends are the best friends anyone could have, and the sun is finally out!

August is going to be a busy month for me. Right now a dear friend of ours is visiting for the weekend and I can't be happier about it -he's one of Joe's best friends who has also become one of my best friends (we lived with him in OC for more than a year). I will travel to El Salvador in a week -and will be there on both my and Joe's birthday- then we'll go on a cruise to Alaska with Joe's parents, then I will go to New York for work, then Joe will meet me there and we'll go to Montreal for a couple of days. And then it's September and I'll chill a bit.
In the fall I might go to Turks with Joe for his work conference -it' a family resort so Léo of course will go with us- and hopefully I'll go to Cambodia sometime in November or December.

I have never been south of Mexico so I am excited about El Salvador. Also it's the first time I'll be working on youth violence and that's intellectually challenging. Now that my brain is (half) back I am looking forward to developing new working skills and deepen my knowledge of child protection.

On a personal note, we might think about baby #2 in a few months and I need to get on a diet. I am the same weight I was 3 weeks after I gave birth to Léo. Needless to say, I'm not super proud for letting myself eat like crap for so many months. I need to get in shape. Stat.

I feel immensely blessed. This is not bragging. This is just acknowledging a very good phase in our life. May it continue for a while.


Heidi said...

Awesomeness! I have been thinking of you and actually wrote you a message on Facebook. Before I hit "send" I thought I should check your blog...and I'm so glad I did!

First, I'd love to go to El Salvador! I hope it'll be a wonderful trip. What you're doing sounds very interesting.

All of your other plans sound great too. However, how did you book a cruise and not even tell me about it?! Girlfriend!!!

Yay for a wonderful summer!



Mark and Sarah said...

YAY!!! So good to have such wonderful times Iife. Such a blessing to be able to journey with you during this tension (and gift) of young motherhood and awesome career. I couldnt ask for a better "neighbor." thanks for who you are!