We also asked the doctor about adding formula to his diet. I know, I know, breast is best... except it makes me miserable. I resent when he wants to eat sometimes because I'm in the middle of breakfast or a shower and need to rush back to feed him. I have started pumping but only have 2 bags of milk. So I have decided to do the right thing for me -and ultimately for my relationship with my son- and add formula to his diet (for now one meal in the middle of the night) if my pumped milk runs out. I feel extremely guilty about adding formula because I know all the benefits of breast feeding and I feel I am taking the easy way out, but I am also telling myself that I will actually still breastfeed for most meals and that I am not perfect. And Léo will be just fine.
I cannot stress again how great it has been to rely on friends' experiences with their babies. It's good to hear what worked and how they got through the first 8-12 weeks. 8-12 weeks is really short in the span of a lifetime, but right now it seems like forever away. I am really trying to enjoy every day with him because I know those are in a way the easiest -he's not that demanding yet- but the lack of sleep is driving me a bit insane. Joe has been stellar, changing or rocking the baby at night. Now he'll be able to feed him, too -whether pumped milk or formula.
Joe's family is coming to visit at the end of the week. I am looking forward to spending some time with them.
Here is my little cutie in his Easter outfit (thanks Grandma Jodie!). He's so freaking handsome. I must kiss him about 1,001 times a day since he can't yet say "mooooooooom, stop it!"

Yay! I'm so glad he's growing so well and his appointment was a success! I used to be so nervous for those early appointments!
Girlfriend, you know exactly how I feel about the Breast is best business. You mentioned "guilt" in your post. You're doing what's right for you, and in the end, your fam. Let go of the guilt! As I frequently tell Tony and Oliver, "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"! :-)
He's so darn cute in that Easter outfit too!
Wow! I can't believe how much he's gained in 2 weeks! Way to go Léo (and Mama!). What a sweet Boy. I love his bunny outfit and all the pictures you're posting (keep it up, please!).
Don't even let guilt enter the picture on this one, Johanna. Like Heidi said, if you are doing what's best for you and it gives you some rest (and sanity), then everyone else will benefit. And like you said, he is going to be FINE!
Enjoy your time with family and take advantage of the extra hands to help out with the cooking, cleaning, and baby holding... :-)
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