Friday, March 25, 2011

In Which I Become Superficial

My mom called me and said "I'm so happy your cheeks are getting fatter. I was the same way pregnant." Well, aren't I glad to know that...

So my cheeks are fat. Wah-wah. Oh well. It's almost over!

Compare 10 weeks

with 36 weeks

Yeah. Last weekend, I also happened to find some jeans I was wearing this summer. Hahahaa, they're SMALL. Damnit.

In all honesty, I'm not anxious about losing the weight. I will lose it eventually. It's just weird to compare pictures/clothes of before Vs now.

That was my superficial moment of the day. You're welcome.


Heather said...

You are BEAUTIFUL! And there's an almost full term baby in there so I'd be majorly concerned if your clothes from last summer still fit, lol!!! You're gorgeous Johanna!!!

Fab said...

You really do look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The cheeks are so NOT fat. Nor is any other area. You are a gorgeous pregnant woman! At least she didn't say some other parts were fat! ;-) Ah, French women. Or maybe better yet, Ah MOTHERS.