Yesterday Joe and I went to the doc to have my 37-week check up. She said that the baby is long, might weight about 8 pounds when he's born (holy cow! Both my brother and I were 6.2 pounds at birth and I consider that normal weight for a newborn)... and might come really early because his head is already way down.
Squeeze me, did you say "early?" I mean, I'm fine with him coming a tad earlier than scheduled, but when at the end of the appointment she said "well, see you next week [for our next appointment] or at the hospital before that" I got juuust a little anxious. Don't get me wrong. I want to meet this sweet child of ours, but I am also LOVING being pregnant with him and feeling him move inside, so if I could experience that for a couple more weeks, that would be great.
Joe thinks he'll come between April 8-11. I said he will be there between April 10-14. We'll see...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
His Name
Writing the previous post without telling the baby's name was not so smart. So here goes: Our baby's name is Léo James Mathias. It's pronounced lay-o, not lee-o. We can't wait to meet him. 3 more weeks!
Update: Oh, and while I'm at it... Mathias is "mat-ee-as."
Update: Oh, and while I'm at it... Mathias is "mat-ee-as."
Friday, March 25, 2011
In Which I Snap At an Old Lady
from church. Oh yes I did, and I absolutely didn't mean to, either. That lady and I were talking during our church's Lenten small group meeting and she mis-pronounced the baby's name. I corrected her - rather harshly. Oops. I seriously didn't mean to sound like a B- but I sure did. I apologized, but I think the damage is done.
Damn hormones.
Damn hormones.
In Which I Become Superficial
My mom called me and said "I'm so happy your cheeks are getting fatter. I was the same way pregnant." Well, aren't I glad to know that...
So my cheeks are fat. Wah-wah. Oh well. It's almost over!
Compare 10 weeks
with 36 weeks
Yeah. Last weekend, I also happened to find some jeans I was wearing this summer. Hahahaa, they're SMALL. Damnit.
In all honesty, I'm not anxious about losing the weight. I will lose it eventually. It's just weird to compare pictures/clothes of before Vs now.
That was my superficial moment of the day. You're welcome.
So my cheeks are fat. Wah-wah. Oh well. It's almost over!
Compare 10 weeks
In all honesty, I'm not anxious about losing the weight. I will lose it eventually. It's just weird to compare pictures/clothes of before Vs now.
That was my superficial moment of the day. You're welcome.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Happy to rent!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
40 days of Lent
Lent started on March 9th. I thought it was good that it started right after International Women's Day because I remember that last year the Deacon at my church drew a parallel between the number 40, which appears in the Bible every time something is created (land for Moses, strength for Jesus), and the number of weeks it takes for a child to develop. The Deacon said that the Bible was very feminine. And so the 40 days of Lent start and with that thoughts of women all over the world and of the beauty women create -children of course but also love, compassion, art, etc. Of course March 9th was special to me because it corresponded to exactly 40 days before my due date. My own little Lent!
I won't give up much this year. Heck, I've been through 9 months of giving up alcohol! I have decided to be more patient, though. Every morning without fail I get really angry at self righteous butt holes who drive 59 mph on the left lane of the freeway and slow traffic down for everybody. I have to be more patient in general. With work, with Joe (poor Joe! My 3rd trimester moods have hit him hard), with drivers, with the baby (if he's late).
At church on Wednesday, we all got to make a cross on our neighbor's forehead with ashes and we said "repent and follow the Gospel." I think I'll try to do just that: be humble and show more love to others than I usually do. That's a pretty hefty goal, but it's a positive and beautiful one.
Happy Lenten season, everyone!
Monday, March 7, 2011
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