Monday, December 6, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, I flew to Vegas for 24 hours to see my dad, who was there for a week-long work conference. He had gotten really sick that week -probably had to do with the crazy A/C hotels put on to keep their guests awake- so we went out for meals and mostly stayed in the hotel and chatted. I have to admit we were quite typically French in that we stayed in the restaurants we went to for about 2 hours, just talking. It was really good to see him one-on-one and to spend quality time together. I miss him SO much. Next time I see him will be at the end of June, when he comes for 3 weeks to visit the baby. I don't think about distance too much but sometimes I pause and realize that I see my family members for about 7 days a years. Total. Now with my parents being divorced it will be even less -because I might not be able to stay in France for a whole 2 weeks. I hope we can manage something where I go there once a year and they come here once a year. That would be ideal!

Here is a picture of us after dinner:

1 comment:

Jen said...

Great picture - glad you had some special time just w/ you and your Dad. I pictured him having a beard for some reason... did he use to have one? Maybe I saw an old photo or maybe I am just completely confused. :)