Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Grad School

Well, my friends, grad school has been a course in "butt kicking 101." Joe has been overwhelmed with an insane amount of work lately, and of course an insane amount of homework (weekly readings and assignments). It's been quite difficult to organize and manage it all. He's trying to give 100% to both school and work and I'm afraid something's going to have to give. Fortunately, Joe knows he's not alone as his accounting prof made a joke yesterday about how "by that time all of you have probably kicked your dogs and gotten into fights with your significant other." Yeah... That's about right. The first quarter is said to be the hardest, and it hasn't disappointed! It's been tough. I also find myself trying to adapt to not seeing him that much -he studies in the guest bedroom- and to having to do a bunch of stuff on my own, like chores, grocery shopping, etc. I thought I'd be fine with grad school because I am a mega school nerd and understand the need to study a lot when you're in grad school. I actually found myself resenting Joe a lot and pretty much acting like a b- to him. So we had a little talk and we're good. I need to be more supportive. it's not all about me anymore. WHAT?!? Yeah, I know, shocking.

We're only in the middle of quarter 1. I can't wait for our Christmas vacation when we'll chill and get to enjoy time with each other knowing that there is no work or assignment to be done. Only 8.5 quarters to go!


Jen said...

It is tough indeed. It's good to acknowledge that (for both of you)! It affects you in different ways and while you need each other most sometimes that's when it's hard to be supportive. Hang in there. At least you know Christmas is just around the corner. You can do it!

Heather said...

Hang in there kids! The first year is always the hardest. Being pregnant is probably a roller coaster ride as well! Lots going on in the Trainer household. Stay strong and look forward to the holidays! Love you two! Aw, shucks :).

Anonymous said...

Haha! It's like you plucked this topic out of my head for an upcoming blog post of mine! I feel your pain Johanna. You both have so many adjustments to make with this new part of Joe's life. I wish I could say it gets easier, but honestly, I think you just get used to it and it starts becoming the new "norm". It just makes you be more creative in the "couple time" you do have and makes you appreciate more the quality time you DO have together. Just keep telling yourself it'll all be worth it someday. So proud of both of you!

Fab said...

So much encouragement from your friends. I ditto all of it!!