All right, this waking up at 5:30 thing didn't work out for me. I quit. Well, I can still go until August 4 and I might try to wake my butt up, but I have a seriously may-jah hard time waking up early. So boot camp / sweat / pain Vs sleep? Yeah, sleep wins, hands down. Plus I have been feeling pretty much like crap lately. It's Depression Central in my mind, and I just don't feel like doing anything that requires effort. last Monday was the 18th anniversary of my father's death, and while usually I don't really care this time it hit me like a crap load of bricks. I just felt sad and angry. Today I have been cranky and super depressed. I can't blame it on the weather, since it's been sunny this whole time. I don't know what is happening. I just need to stop staring at my belly button and focusing so much on me-me-me. I think I need a vacation -I haven't had one since last September.
So all that to say I am almost officially done with boot camp. I'll just play tennis now. I can play in the evenings and actually enjoy it. Except when I'm cranky and want to smash my racket on the ground. But that doesn't happen too often...
Hey! I commend you for just TRYING it - that's a big step in my book!
Sorry about Depression Central making an appearance. I hate that. I especially hate it when it lasts for days or weeks...For me, it's usually when the sun isn't out or I have too much time to think. Dangerous.
I'm super excited to see you for lunch next week! Take care my friend.
Waking up at 5:30 is a bitch! I do it as little as possible and recommend that unless you're doing it to catch a flight for that much needed vacation it's much better to get extra z's. Sorry to hear that you've been down. That's a bummer...if you want to vent I'm always available. Love you lots.
I don't think I would've even made it to the first class, at that hour! I am proud of you for trying. You have to find what works for you & your schedule. I'm sorry about the depression too, I had no idea it was the anniversary of your Dad's death. That can never be easy. Sorry I wasn't here for you to talk to!
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