I am quite stressed right now and faced with many choices.
Mind you, first world problem choices –all good choices in the end. But I do
not like making choices. I really take forever to make any decision in life. I
like change in theory but in reality change leaves me exhausted, feeling like I
need therapy.
We have had to make three main choices lately: whether Leo’s
new school was really a good fit for him, where we’d move (in order to be
closer to his new school), and whether to start him in the new school in July
or September. I think we have all decisions made, but my heart is still
fluttering thinking about the other options and I feel less confident than
ever. And I am stressed about all the changes ahead for Léo (in chronological
order: new apartment, new school, new language, new brother). I need a nap!
How do you deal with making big decisions in your life?