So that's that for now.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Formula Experiment
When Léo was 2 weeks old, I was quite tired with breastfeeding so I decided to introduce formula in his diet. We tried a few ounces that week and his body didn't react well at all. He was crying in pain. Since the crying / being fussy lasted for about 2 weeks and I stopped giving him formula after a couple of tries, I think the two were not linked but now I'm scared to re-introduce formula again. On moms boards it seems that a lot of babies on formula experience massive pain, so I have decided to breastfeed until he's about 12 weeks. I will re-introduce formula then since his digestive system will be better formed and since I'll be close to returning to work -ugh, don't even want to think about that.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Already and Only
Léo is already 6 weeks old.
Léo is only 6 weeks old.
It's difficult in my mind to reconcile these 2 sentences. I know he's already 6 weeks. Time flew by, seriously. At the same time, he's only 6 weeks old and I must refrain from expecting a lot from him (though a first smile would be great!) or put thoughts and feelings behind his facial expressions. I feel he's like a smart animal for now: he is guided by his senses, not his reason. He doesn't have many things we take for granted -the use of words of course, but also a regulated appetite, the ability to soothe himself, etc. It's challenging at times to remember that he is a BABY. We've been with him for 6 weeks straight and have seen him grow so much physically and emotionally, but he's still a baby who doesn't know anything. It's our role as parents to teach him, love him, hold him, reassure him, be patient with him. I am loving this aspect of parenthood. I love him so much and love seeing him grow, and I love that it will take time before he reaches some milestones. It's all about appreciating each and every moment with him, not waiting for the next milestone.
But yeah... I'm still waiting for that first smile!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Try This At Home
Isn't it amazing how short babies' arms are and how big their heads are? I mean, do this: put your arms up like Leo and you'll see: adults' arms are waaay longer. I love how disproportionate babies' body parts are!
Monday, May 16, 2011
SIDS Patrol
...would be pissed! Let me just say that I am as afraid of SIDS as any mom and that I am always with Léo when he's in these places.

On the couch... with a blanket!

The bouncer. With another blanket.

On the bed, super close to dad.
On the boppy.
On the gym thing.
I would do anything seriously to let this little guy sleep well. That usually doesn't include his bed unless we move it to the living room during the day -which we've been doing.
Friday, May 13, 2011
I Kinda Like Him
Little Léo Is Growing!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
One Month Old
My little frogger is one month old! It's amazing how fast time went. Joe went back to work today, which is pretty sad. It was great to spend everyday together these past 4 weeks.

What a month this has been. My dear friend Jen, whose beautiful baby s 2 weeks and 2 days older than Léo, calls it a roller coaster and I can't agree more. There are ups (how cute he is, how amazing it is that he's with us, all the little faces he makes while eating and stretching and pooping!) and downs (colic, reflux, nasal congestion, long nights... sometimes all at once!). The first 3 weeks were emotionally rough. The last week has been physically exhausting because he has been crying a lot in pain. Yesterday we finally called his pediatrician -because he didn't schedule a month check up and we were worried about Léo's labored breathing- who told us he might have reflux, which would explain the spit ups and bouts of crying. We've been holding him up right after feedings and whenever he sleeps and that has helped a lot already. We have yet to introduce formula. We tried it once and he started having tummy aches. That probably has nothing to do with formula (he has had formula ONCE and has had tummy aches for a week and a half) but it scared me enough to keep on exclusively breast feeding for a while!
Léo has grown and he's becoming a chunky little monstah. I love his routine when he nurses, the little noises he makes, and, well, pretty much everything about him -except the crying, I have to say! Right now he doesn't want to sleep unless he's held and I love even that because this phase of being super cuddly won't last forever and I might as well take advantage of it while I can.
My mom and grandma arrived yesterday and will stay with us for 3 weeks. They hold him all the time and really help with caring for him. It's also great to speak French all the time around him. Hopefully I'll keep on doing that when they leave.
Finally, Joe keeps on being a great dad. He's very hands on and Léo loves him! My friends have also been such a great source of strength. This first month would have been so difficult without their support. I am truly blessed to have such great people in my life.
With his grandma and great grandma.
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